Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售

Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售真的不錯人氣蠻不錯看完後有一種說不出的感動

讓我也忍不住下手敗了,連家人都超喜歡的好嗎 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。

推薦大家一本語言學習Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售全書的內容大意

賣場省荷包 Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。




Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您


Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Market Leader Intermediate New Edition retains the dynamic and effective approach to business English that has made the course so successful in classes worldwide. With its new listening content and thoroughly updated material from authentic business sources such as the Financial Times, it reflects the fast-changing world of business.

博客來書店New Self-Study CD-ROMs contain:
* Video
* Interactive case studies
* Language reviews
* Vocabulary exercises
* Skill practice
* Listening activities (this disc can also be played as an audio CD)

博客來網路書店Find out more about the course and access resources such as topic-related links for every unit. Receive new ready-made lessons every week when you subscribe to the Market Leader Premier Site.


Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2012/01/10
  • 語言:英文

Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售 評比 博客來網路書局

Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售

Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售推薦,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售討論Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售比較評比,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售開箱文,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售部落客
Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售
那裡買,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售價格,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售特賣會,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售評比,Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售部落客 推薦



























Market Leader (Intermediate) New Ed. with Self-Study CD-ROM-1片 & Audio CDs-2片限量出售


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